Director of Public Works
Ed Bach
201 4th Avenue So.
Wolf Point MT 59201
Phone: 406-653-1852 ext. 111
Fax: 406-653-3240
The City of Wolf Point is committed to providing convenient and affordable solid waste services to the citizens of our community. The city’s fully automated collection service allows our collection costs to remain at an affordable rate.
The City of Wolf Point landfill is located 1.5 miles west and north of Wolf Point. The landfill area consists of an active Class II lined cell. An active II/IV cell is located south of the Class II cell. The landfill contains one detention pond and one leachate collection, both of which are lined. The City recently purchased and licensed a new site immediately north of the existing site which is 80 acres. The site received a no=migration exemption from having to install liners and groundwater monitoring. The new site is scheduled to open in 2008 at which time the existing site will be closed.
Three methane monitoring wells are located on the existing site along with five (5) groundwater monitoring wells. The western side of the landfill has a hot mix plant. Access to the landfill is from the southeast.
The service area for the landfill includes the City of Wolf Point, the City of Poplar, the City of Circle and the wastes collected from the Fort Peck Indian Reservation’s roll-off container system. Residents near the landfill may also use the site if they desire and pay on a per load basis.
The landfill hours are as follows:
Summer Landfill Hours (April thru October)
Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Winter Summer Landfill Hours (November thru March)
Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
There is approximately 1 year left on the current cell and the newest cell should be able to accept disposal for the next 15 years.
Residential customers receive twice a week pickup of their garbage. Most residents have access to a 300 gallon garbage container that is placed in the alley. Each container serves approximately 4 homes. Pickup of extra items, placed in the alley, will be picked up twice a year. Once during the Clean-Sweep campaign held in May of each year and another time scheduled in the fall as time permits.
Commercial customers receive pickup five days a week. The number of 300 gallon containers provided will be determined by the customer based upon their individual needs.
Contact the City Office for more information on rates.
The City of Wolf Point owns and manages the solid waste landfill in the area. Operations are under the guidance of the EPA.
The wastes that are handled at the landfill are logged in by an attendant at the gate. The landfill records estimate that approximately 9,500 tons of waste are disposed of at the landfill annually. The City installed a new scale in November, 2006 and it should be operational by January, 2007.
The full time equipment assigned to the landfill include the following:
621 CASE rubbered tired loader which is used to transport and apply daily and intermediate soil cover.
816 CAT Compactor for compacting the waste.
There are four separate areas where wastes may be disposed of at the site. They are summarized below:
The Group II wastes are disposed of in the Phase 2 Class II lined cell located on the northeast corner of the site. The wastes are being compacted with the 816 compactor that was purchased several years ago. The cover soil is being excavated from the stockpile located southeast of the cell. The existing (Phase 2) cell was placed into operation February, 2001. It is estimated that the area has approximately one year of life remaining.
A new 80-acre tract was purchased by the city and received a no-migration exemption. The construction of the new site was completed in October, 2006, but it will not be used until the existing Phase 2 cell is filled.
The old Class II/IV trench was closed; it received 3 feet of soil cover and was seeded last year. The new Class III/IV area was opened two years ago in the area immediately south of the Phase 2 area. The filling of this area is working well.
The untreated wood waste and tree limbs, until three years ago, were placed in the Class III trench. Three years ago a burn pit was initiated for these materials. This burn area is located southwest of the Phase 2 fill area. There have been three (3) previous burns. It is planned to burn these wastes again this winter. Once burned, the ashes are hauled to the Class II area for disposal.
A separate area is used to stockpile appliances that are brought to the site. Approximately once per year a recycler is contracted to crush and haul away these items. Private licensed individuals are contracted to extract refrigerant prior to crushing.
All loads must be covered or secured. Freon must be removed by a certified technician and his license number should be painted on the unit. No liquids will be allowed. Items such as paint must be in solid form. No batteries, friable asbestos, treated grain or hazardous waste will be accepted.
For additional information, please contact the Wolf Point City Office at 201 4th Avenue South or call during daytime hours – 653-1852.
Each residential & commercial account will receive at the time of sign up for service and once a year thereafter, in January, a landfill card which will allow the resident access to the landfill for disposal of non-household items, i.e. tree branches, leaves, etc. This does not include construction waste. There is a $5.00 replacement fee if the card is lost during the year.
Effective March 1, 2007 all garbage brought into the landfill by private vehicle will be charged on a per ton basis. A minimum of $5.00 will be charged for all vehicles regardless of the weight.