Statistical Information

Elevation: 1.986 feet

Longitude: 105 degrees/37 min/30 sec
Latitude: 48 degrees/05 min/00 sec

Population: 2,663 (2000 Census)


The community of Wolf Point is located in northeastern Montana, along the mainline of Burlington-Santa Fe Railroad and U.S. Highway No. 2, adjacent to the Missouri River within Sections 9, 10, 15, 16, 21 and 22 Township 27 North, Range 47 East. Approximately 77 miles west of the Montana/North Dakota state line and 62 miles south of the Canadian border. Elevations within the community range from 2080 on the north end of the city to 1990 on the south end. The City of Wolf Point was incorporated in July, 1915. Wolf Point is the county seat of Roosevelt County.

The City of Wolf Point is the largest community within the Fort Peck Indian Reservation and the county seat of Roosevelt County. The City’s economy is based primarily on retail and wholesale sales with the City serving as a major commercial center for the Northeast corner of Montana. Another significant element of the City’s economy is the storage and processing of wheat and other grains base on the City’s location on Burlington-Northern main line.

A public high school and two public grade schools are located in Wolf Point. Total student population is approximately 1,000 with an estimated 200 students being bussed in from outside the planning area. A 50-bed hospital and 85-bed nursing home complex are also located in Wolf Point. Additional medical care is provided by an Indian Health Service outpatient clinic.

Census Information

The 2000 census population of Wolf Point was 2,663. This figure does not include an estimated 800 people living outside of the City limits but within the planning area. This estimate is based on a housing count of 328 and a per house population of 2.45 (2000 census data). Included in this estimate are 328 Fort Peck Housing Authority residences presently being provided wastewater collection and treatment by the city.

Based on the stated goals of the Indian Housing Authority and projections from the School District the population of Wolf Point and the service area is estimated to be 3,950 by the year 2020.

Land Use

Existing land use within the planning area consists of commercial and institutional development, low to medium density (10 to 25 people per acre) residential development and agricultural uses including dry land farming and pasture land on the undeveloped fringe of the area.

Area Climate

The area’s climate is typical of the Northern Great Plains with a relatively low annual precipitation and an extreme temperature range. Annual precipitation averages 13.8 inches per year; with over 60 percent falling as rain during the May – August period. The average annual temperature is 41.3 degrees F with an average July temperature of 70.5 degrees F and an average January temperature of 8.0 degrees F. Annual lake evaporation averages 26 inches per year.

Air Quality

Air and water quality are excellent in Northeastern Montana. In the Wolf Point area there is room to breathe and enjoy a wide range of activities including fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, and summer camping.


Wildlife within this area includes those species common to the riparian zone of Eastern Montana rivers. The wastewater lagoons serve as nesting areas for various species of waterfowl and shorebirds. The Missouri River supports population of most common eastern Montana fishes, including Northern Pike, Walleye, Sturgeon and Paddlefish.