Growth Policy Public Hearing



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to M.C.A., Sec. 76-1-602, that the City of Wolf Point Planning Board shall hold a public hearing at which it will complete its final review of the proposed update to the City Growth Policy and make a formal recommendation to the City Council regarding the adoption of the Policy as the primary planning document of the City.  The hearing will be held on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm at City Hall.  Hardcopies of the draft Growth Policy are available for review at City Hall and the document can also be viewed electronically on the City website at:                    

Please note that the Planning Board is making a recommendation on the proposed Growth Policy.  The City Council is the entity with the authority to render a final decision on whether to amend and adopt the document.  The Council will hold a public meeting on the Planning Board recommendation on Monday November 21, 2022.

For more information about the update of the City Growth Policy please contact Mayor Chris Dschaak at or (406) 653-3240.